request also references the adjacent neighbor to the east, lenny henson. the d.r. requester's concerns include various items, including the project sponsor submit tall of what the d.r. requester refers to as fraudulent drawings, the history of construction work being done without permit on the property, the enclosure of the void at the rear of the property, at the ground floor, and privacy impacts of the deck along the east property line and the new windows. it is staff's position that it is with the residential guidelines. the d.r. requester's concerns are generally not related to the residential guidelines. staff believes that the project addresses and creggets a number of building and planning code violations, some of which date back five years or more. it is also staff's position that the plans as revised accurately reflect existing conditions at the site. staff's position is that although there has been a history of construction work without permit at this site, that the project itself does not contain or create any exceptional or extraordinary circumstances,