this production was carried out by armenian masters, yan madzharsky, later continued by his son, leo madzharsky, who were so imbued with the feelings of this internal belarusian our national culture and its features that they rebuilt the format of the belt itself, its ornamental motifs, silk belts were worn only by men of the upper class, the belt could be tied in any way, the only rule applied to everyone, that belts... in no case were tied in knots, the threads could break or crumble. the best imported silk is gold and silver threads the rodivils knew a thing or two about luxury. during its heyday, the slutsk manufactory created an exclusive, fashionable accessory for the kontusz system, more than fifty weavers, and the same number of apprentice spinners. they trained one weaver for about 7 years, and worked exclusively at the manufacturing loom. men, it was believed that precious threads darkened from the touch of a woman's hand. our ancestors sometimes spent more than six months creating a belt. it so happened historically that the ethnic homeland of the slutsk belts has preserved the least