and her said hernandez and leo sosa. tell me about caminos, what does it do?it's an organization that was founded 13 years ago. the mission is to help immigrant women that are coming into the city to learn about literacy in digital devices. we have numerous programs throughout the day where we have women of all ages from young to very old. >> cheryl: why did you choose immigrant women? >> in living in hispanic community, the woman and mother is pillar of the family. there was a need for the mother, pillar of the family. children ride into the public school systems and go on their own. so the women needed to get help to build a better life for themselves and their children. this is what we saw where the need was. especially with it. hispanic community is being left behind. >> cheryl: you are making a big difference. >> the caminos technology program, it allows young people between the ages of 16 to 19 learn technical skills. our curriculum focuses on computer repair, job preparation skills and literacy skills. the idea is to help that particular gap that is und