here is a picture of anton chekhov and leo tolstoy. and you have tolstoy saying to chekhov, "you know, i hate your plays. shakespeare was a bad writer. and i consider your plays even worse than his." [laughter] scott: i included "war of these" because it was an epic work in history. but i was also intrigued by the fact that this manuscript of "war and peace," this monumental piece could not be understood because his handwriting was so true stories -- was so atrocious. his wife had to intervene and recopy it. she did this. she was involved in copying over what he had written each and every day. the book was published initially as a series in a magazine. but he was not completely pleased with it. so he started from scratch and rewrote the whole thing yet again with his wife. and it was brought out as a book in 1869, 1 of the great literary works of all time. blending fact and fiction. brian: have you read it? scott: i have read it here and i read it years ago while i was waiting for airplanes to arrive when i was involved with summary who