an enforcement of this law contingent upon the payment of back tax someone said i think it was leon hellly didn't have to pay takes on the little people pay tackles in san francisco it shouldn't be the small businesses that pay the tackles etch that benefits from being a part of the city that paid their fair share pay your fair share that's all we're asking and if we vote today without requiring that of a corporation that is worth temple billion dollars i think we're not only making a mistake about the policy we're making a mistake in terms of the message we're extending to the rest of san francisco we've been talking about the enar equality in this city we're the weight irrelevant city in the world and on the other hand, have the fastest growing inequity e equality that didn't have to do with our system of rules and laws that inequality is simply as difficult economic equality but to go beyond the inequality and is the rules that we have good not apply to certain people that's not what we should do in san francisco it goes against everything we believe if this board passes this without re