leon kass and his wife, amy, were first cherished teachers, mentors, friends and role models for howto be better thinkers of the better writers, better human beings that are citizens. in our work and studies about science and technology, many at the time when we stumbled upon some new idea only to lift our lanterns and see that the things we've just begun to glimpse, dr. kass saturday seen clearly with wit and wisdom. writing the first issue of the new atlantis and the very first essay was published in the new atlantis, dr. kass had the use of biomedical science and technology, not only to seek therapies, but also to pursue ageless bodies, happy souls and dreams of enhancement imperfection. i wish to focus my remarks on a specific technology, one that is central to many trans-humanist visions of the future, but under discussed among bioethicists. that is the notion of directly uniting computers with the human nervous system. our nerves, sense organs, brains. the existence of some such technologies would presumably be a prerequisite for trans-humanist most radical schemes for the wish