leona helmsley of the site for 20 years. then its switched ownership again to allow big view, and finally to the current investors in 2005. during that time, pieces of the original site were sold off. the original site was 192 acres. you can see from this map that our northern neighbor, san francisco state university, has acquired several of the parcels on the north side of the project site, a piece of the storefront retail was sold off, and a portion of developed greenbelt in the south was also sold off. i think the important point here is that what was once a cohesive whole is incrementally being piecemeal sold to other investors. a think one of the great opportunities we have as a city before the site further deteriorates into different ownerships is an opportunity to do master planning like this. chairperson mar: is that triangular space the site that used to be the school of the arts? >> that was originally built as retail and is retail today. supervisor elsbernd: bring the sled back up. the school of the arts site -- c