member of congress involved in this process, i sat down earlier with republican representative leonard lantz of new jersey and started by asking him why he thinks both republicans and democrats are to blame for this. >> i think that we should fund the government and certainly we should pay our bills on time and fact that the government is now in abeyance i think is a failure of all of those who serve in washington. i would hope that the president would come to the negotiating table as we republicans have suggested. on the republican side, i would have preferred to have continuing resolution voted in july and then we could proceed with negotiations from that point. but we are where we are and i think that we should all sit down at the table and i would particularly encourage the president of the united states to do so in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation. >> should negotiations continue as the government shuts down or should we fix that problem and then negotiate over larger spending deals? >> i think we should be negotiating right now and majority leader canter has come to the table with