the strike continues until we free leonard peltier. comes now the power to seize man in his great and all of the antwerp. i have a message here for steve jobs. you have made zillions selling air as the economy that does lead. accept this deal that you may heal. speak publicly these truths about lying. for the chinese prisoner does not have a chance but for some reason, the almighty provided you with a reason to dance. tell them for 30 years and delivering 24-7 subliminal sub- phonics into every cranial cavity. so the message remain on their asses as man is blind. tell them for the media bows to you. tell the public why, house selling air such wealthy did occur. i dare you to act mystified or deny these tricks now told. i made you looking so you shall say the technology was 50 years old. it is about mind control programs that have been implemented in everybody is mine. we wonder why we talk about king and gaudy and chavez but in 40 years, things are worse. it is time to cease this curse. put away your foolish miss chains. listen to your