. >> leonard reubenstein, i want to talk about the psychology, the psychological angle and the role of behavioral science consultation team. what role do they play? >> they had basically three functions. the first was to identified vulnerability for detainee for intergas station. the second is to establish conditions of confinement to maximize the opportunity to get intelligence from the detainees, and the third, somewhat on it traditiocontradictory, one of te problems is you can't have it both ways. you cannot impose harm on people by exposing vulnerability, and then label them a safety officer. i think the task force use is more of a to portray the psychologist involved to comply witto exploit vulnerability as e die dance suggests. who. >> who are these people. how are they trained? what are we talking about? >> first team, you have a varied training amongst them, and there are people who have been working as treating clinicians and military clinics. you also had psychiatrist who is were medical doctors, who had been working as treating doctors, and then you had some family fissions.