so, for instance, freud did that, he was the first one to do that with people like leonardo da vinciand even moses, and then fdr hired somebody to do that with hitler during world war ii, and it's a very well-established technique of studying famous people by using analytic principles. obama wrote two autobiographies, so that made it very interesting to see what he put in, what he left out and then how it relates to his behavior as president. >> what's one thing we're going to learn about president obama in your book? >> he is deeply obsessed with uniting the country because he came from a broken home, he's half black and half white, and he wants to heal his inside, and that's why he became a community organizer after harvard law school when he could have written his own ticket in a high-powered law firm. but he really believes in bringing people together, and that's the biggest struggle he has because the irony is we're more divided than ever in a lot of ways in this country. and when he gave his speech in 2004 about red states and blue states and the united states, he really believ