. >> you and i tangled early on when i found out that leonardo decaprio had been sent by abc news toerview president clinton for an earth day program and i wrote and i did not recall this until reading your book that there was a decision of titanic proportions. your staff was not happy about this, and you defended it. >> it was an effort by me and my boss to try to get a larger and frankly younger audience to come to a serious environment special, and leonardo decaprio that year, who was in an interesting environment. he was the chairman of earth day, and that's how it came about. >> he is a movie star. >> he is a movie star, but i was trying to do something that i thought was valuable and try to get people to watch it. >> you should get the facts straight, first of all gsh. >> before you -- >> secondly, i think it was the right thing to attempt to do. it was done for the right reasons, and i said there is a difference between journalists and nonjournal it'ses, and i came to learn that over my time. as you say, i came from outside of journalism. it took me time, but when you see some