but they already were feeling, earlier in 1970, leonid brezhnev had told the party conference in prague that by 1985 the correlation of forces will have shifted irreversibly and the soviet unions favor and we would be able to work our will. that did not prove to be much better forecast than khrushchev in 1961. it's an operational question. if one or more parties to a crisis think that it matters, and behave different as a result of changes, they matter to at minimum it raises the risk in a crisis. at maximum it occurred as the 1973, it could cause a crisis to end differently. so we look at china and we are assuming that china is not at the time of the huge military buildup, the biggest since the soviet 25 year buildup in the '60s, '70s and early '80s. china, which is unquestionably pushing a dominance in the western pacific, that they have a low number of weapons, they have more weapons than us, they may change their behavior in a crisis. it doesn't matter whether we think it should matter or not. have an abstract debate them what has been called at times nuclear theology by whatever yo