art museum in russia, and 100 years since the birth of the legendary belarusian artist painter leonid than leve master’s works are stored in state museums and private collections not only in our country, but also abroad. and now about other significant events in the rubric week dates. on january 30, 1921, in the village of pockets there is no dobrush district of the gomel region, in the family of a forester, the people's writer of the bssr ivan shamyakin was born during the great patriotic war, he was called to the front ivan petrovich was an excellent storyteller in between battles. they listened to it with pleasure. the immortal exploits of peers forever entered his stories, novels, ivan petrovich was one of the first in soviet literature who began to write on the theme of the great patriotic war. peru writers belong to the largest belarusian literary works about the war. pentology disturbing happiness novels in the heart of atlanta will take your pain and others entered the golden fund of belarusian literature. for 60 years of shamyakin's career, 130 books have been published, with a total