even today we are here in the leozinsky region, today we have 12 centners of feed units.will have about 27-28 centners of feed units harvested, already with corn. all of course enough for him. in general, there will be no questions about feeding livestock. there is a district nearby. there are six fodder or seven, so we are engaged. and the goal, if set for the vitebsk region, is from the moment. how did you get here? here is now our agricultural strategy. here we have such a goal, when we had a state program for the re-equipment of the processing industry. it was the tenth and fifteenth year, a couple of years passed after that, in principle, vitebsk. uh, the enterprises were perekorozhalis, and production did not correspond to the volume. it adds gradually, but the reserve is still being told a lot that this wrong step was taken. no, this gives a certain guarantee that in the next 3-4 years you can safely add to the production of milk and meat and you won’t have to think about how to process it all, and the strategy of the dairy industry is such that you see it in gener