pavlovich, when i was preparing for the topic, there was such a wonderful chapter, the first was lepidevskysomehow, i think, let’s not find fault, because it was, of course, lepizevsky, who took it with him. 10 people, can we add more? what for? we won’t give anything more anyway. order, yeah, or medal? this is an order, this is an order. tsenga, girl, village. tsenga is a very dangerous disease. it is caused by a lack of vitamin c. and connective tissues, as they say , lose their strength, so during the great northern expedition, a detachment under the command of dmitry lapchev had to stay for the winter in the villages, yes, everyone suffered from scurvy, but dmitry yakovich, imagine, he came up with means of salvation, a very stupid assumption, i’ll make it, but it’s difficult, an assumption, you just need to. it’s useless to assume here, you know for sure , masha, i know that you are liars, maria ryzhova, lyceum of the city of volsk, saratov region, it was a plant that dmitry lavtyev himself called cedar slate, now it is called cedar slate or pine slate, mashenka, excuse me me please. b