two as exceptions and planning section 309 there would be a hearing for the projects, but it would lepp us to review -- help us to remove one layer of review. neighborhood notification. right now, we do notification for any public hearing, this hearing. the planning commission hearings and for certain building permit applications in residential areas and commercial areas, those are often referred to as 311 and 312. new construction, alteration or changes of use, we need to do notification before the planning department can approve the building permit for that application. the way it's laid out in the code, there are 30 unique requirements we have to fulfill. sometimes 150, sometimes fewer, sometimes 20 days, so on, the notification once we start to look at how to imply phi this. -- simplify that, the staff said these are so complicated, you can have a minor error that can delay by two months. and we looked at how much paper it generates, three tons of paper every year, not even the hearing or posters. we also realized that many of them were not sending notification to tenants, but to ow