now here's your host les feldick. feldick>>> okay, good to see everybody once again for program number four this afternoon and boy, we had a lot of good food back there didn't we? a good afternoon. okay for those of you joining us on television, again we're just an informal bible study and we just like to teach verse by verse, most of the time, comparing scripture with scripture. and we appreciate so much that you let us know how much you're learning. my, i've said it before and i guess i can say it again, the average letters says, 'i've learned more in the last six months than in the previous forty years.' and it is, it's encouraging to us that the lord is opening a lot of eyes to these things that are a plain as day. i don't think it's all that difficult to see if they'll just look at it. all right, we're going to pick up where we left off, isaiah 61 and now we're down to verse 6. and this is an interesting situation now, where the prophet writes, "you shall be named (shall be now, they aren't yet, but they will be)