. >> diller has defended the legality of it extensively, but les moonves says he's will willing to takewhatever it takes to avoid being impacted by aereo even if it means turning cbs into a cable station. my question is how much is iac willing to invest to defend the business model and to try to make this work? >> well, look, i think things are legal if the court says they're legal. the next stop would be the supreme court and if the supreme court rules on it then it will either be legal or not based on what they decide. right now it is certainly legal. we believe it's legal from the beginning. we've believed that the courts would find that and we're certainly will willing to continue to invest to the point of getting to that point if that's, in fact, where it goes. that's really not up to us. it's up to the supreme court, obviously and the networks who have been suing us. it's important to remember that the networks make money in two ways and they can access them on cable and that's the way it's also been. over recent years of technology there's been a makeshift from people using their