we ratify the election of leslie davis. all those in favor please signify by saying aye. all oppose signify by saying no. the ayes have it and i please to officially welcome leslie as a member of the republican national committee. [applause] it is also my pleasure to welcome four new state chairman to the republican national committee, james from maine, alex from minnesota, amy from new mexico, and ramon, northern mariana islands. i can gradually each of you on your election and will can you all as members of the republican national committee. [applause] each region held elections after breakfast this morning. please hold your applause until i've announced all of the winners, the results are as follows. the following members were elected to serve as regional vice chairman. from the midwest region, -- national committeewoman for iowa and stephen, national committeeman from iowa. from the northeast region, susie, national committeewoman for rhode island and john national committeeman for connecticut. in the southern region, beth,, national committeewoman from west virginia a