correspondent leslie drews has the story. senate conferees met today in closed session to discuss a bill that could limit the type of material which can be transmitted via satellite from one state to another. the so-called tarbrush initiative, named after the popular television evangelist, would make producers of adult material guilty of a felony if they transmitted their programs to areas where they violated local community standards. following the meeting, senator montgomery wilde of ohio called a press conference to share his views. ...that the founding fathers, in their god-given wisdom, never intended that the constitution of these united states should ever protect the traitors, the pornographers, the drug dealers and the smut-peddling purveyors of indecency and lewd d lascivious filth. my fellow americans, i can tell you that all of these are the sworn enemies of the american way and of the sanctity of the american family. as parents, as christians and as good americans, we must, we must purge them from our midst. while