we will get a response from leslie gelb. guest: the call raises an important point because here we are asking our military to go fight there war with their hands tied behind their backs because we don't want to injure the afghanistan civilians. so we try to fight the taliban without killing more innocent afghans and it is often impossible to distinguish between the two. that puts our people at risk. that is yet another reason why we ought to be turning over the war to them. host: this graphic is an indication of the u.s. troop fatalities in afghanistan dating back to october of 2001 when it was just a few dozen i would y say. you can see the increase up to about 1,500 over the last 10 years each of them a tragic loss for families and loved ones. from jody we have lost more than just a treasure in averages. three kids in my neighborhoods will not be here to celebrate the fourth of july this year. guest: i feel for her. host: grace joins us from graham, north carolina. democrats line. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. call