@bbìáhp &hc% the military people, leslie groves, were pre÷by3 that asiatic comment gives you an idea of what he was thinking.) then the intelligence agencies, they had a different view. so they had some -- i'll go through this quickly. the fircnw q%5q erq' the soviets would get the bomb in 1946. soviets would develop an atomic bomb sometime between '50 and '53. the next estimate was the joint nuclear energy intelligence committee, december '47 same prediction as before, by july '48, they acknowledge it's impossible to determine when they're going to get the bomb, bought maybe by 1950, most probable date, mid 1953. ñt not a lot changes here. june '49 report, same as above. july '49 report, just a month before. the office of scientific @ intelligence said informatq cç now available substantiates the date already estimated in the '49, '48, '47 and '46 report, 0@ earliest date mid '50s, most probably mid '53 but new information says not before mid 1951. my!éáixf%d report of september 1949, predicted a first soviet bomb in mid-1953. this is 23 days