first off, what i would like to do is acknowledge somewhere out in the audience is leslie lako of our staff. leslie, can you stand up? there she is. leslie lako is the creator and manager of the project that we have at bcdc to deal with climate change and sea level rise. as usually is the case, she does all the work and so of course i get invited to speak. i want to make it clear that any errors, omissions, oversight or inappropriate comments are my responsibility. any facts, solid analysis and clear logic belong to leslie. leon canetto likes to tell the story about the learned professor and scientist who is on the rubber chicken circuit making speeches about a particular subject and the university provides a driver to him as he goes to these talks. and the driver typically sits in the back of the room and listens and they are on their way to a presentation and the driver says, you know, professor, i've heard your presentation so many times, i think i could give it. well, the professor, always being interested in a good experiment, says, fine, let's try it. so they get to the auditori