i know what gets happened to you by leslie reynolds if you don't come at the appropriate time to do your duty. so i am here, really, because i absolutely love this organization. i'm still in love with it, even from the perch of my new public, elected responsibilities. some of you have, i got meet on the way in and rekindle some old friendships and i appreciate that very much. some of you asked me how i like my any job and robin carnahan even asked if she could kiss my ring. i'll hear about that later. and i said, you know, to robin and others, i said you know, the job of being an elected representative especially in our nation's capitol is a high honor and there's nothing like being an elected state-wide official. especially when are you the chief election officer. it's been the highest honor of my life and i credit a lot of that to what i learned here from many of you, and from this organization and the way the organization conducts itself. in all honesty is what brings me back here today. i do want to say thank you for having me and let's get to it. >> no softballs with this gentlemen.