and so they're sitting there selling, leslie van houten and patricia kremlin go. the woman who was known as squeaky. sandy good, susan atkins, linda to say behan, names you ever before in other contexts. and one of them says, do you know what? heard there was a man on the man today. and the other women started laughing matter. and these folks who follow the man who preached, he was perhaps the second coming of jesus christ, there was an apocalyptic race war about to erupt where the blacks would annihilate the whites, the manson family during the war would hide in a bottomless pit in the mojave desert where, as they head, they could change in to any pretty little being they wanted to, including ferries or else. when the war would be over and the black race would stand alone they would not be able to govern themselves. the manson family would come out of the hole in the desert and rule the world. these women who believe that when one of them had the nerve to claim that a man was walking on the moon. they laughed and said, oh, come on. somebody is making that up. and