direction and the cause and effect is going both ways so that if people are healthy and wealthy that leslye have likely to have a marriage breakdown now in many parts of the world the social changes that we discussed previously including the changes in our female gender roles are viewed as predominantly western that's part of the western value of janda and certain countries are actively resisting it i wonder if you think that these social trans are irreversible to some extent and in other words of a likely to see any sort of counter revolution aimed at preserving traditional maybe even a charcoal gender roles i think there are counter movements i think that the islamic religion is is one very powerful counterforce towards maintaining traditional. marriages and values. which doesn't suit the west and just as they become more powerful western liberalism becomes powerful and we have two sort of major civilizations a parent me on a collision course i think russia also comes into the mix here because i think that the counter revolution their revolution to or the movement to preserve to dish unti