lesna polyana. at the invitation of the faction here 100 children from shebekino are on holiday.hey were provided with travel, accommodation, leisure and preparation for school. the parliamentarian met with the children and camp staff, handed out school kits to the children, and watched a performance with them. unfortunately, everyone knows what shebekino is. and the children will be here for 21 days. perhaps it will be necessary to extend their stay here. work continues on the creation of a bioengineering centre in siberia. the process is being supervised by nikolai kharitonov, chairman of the committee for the development of the far east and the arctic. the space will appear in novosibirsk. state agrarian university until the end of 2026. the progress of the work was discussed at a meeting held by the deputy. it is planned that innovative biopreparations for crop and livestock production will be developed here and new specialists for the agro-industrial complex of bioengineers will be trained. about 160 items have been purchased for the laboratory. i understand that in such a s