saw a car in the parking lot that was the same one that was in the driveway when i walked up to lester jones' house. and i thought, oh my god. keith morrison: right away, carol went to the sheriff's office, told them all she knew about lester ralph jones. how much credence did you give that story? or did you. we gave it a lot of credence. keith morrison: in fact, a week after paige disappeared, they brought jones in for questioning. jones was once chief of a rural fire department, which is where his story gets strange. rob dixon, paige's ex-husband. and had also met dixon's then wife, paige. and was taken aback, jones claimed, when a couple of years later he went to the models, inc massage parlor and was greeted by rob dixon's ex-wife. she recognized you? >> do you think she would? >> i wouldn't. >> think. >> okay. >> okay. >> so kind of made you feel while jones answered questions downtown, investigators scoured his house and bob scott rvs where he worked. what'd you find when you searched bob scott's rv location? the list of names of escorts that we do in the grand jackson area where he ha