he had lost his first race for governor to lester maddox. i'm sure many of you remember lester maddox. i interviewed him when i was a young reporter. he was famous of course for chasing black customers out of his restaurant with an ax handle and a pistol in his hand and also for riding a bicycle backwards which is really pretty impressive. but that loss to lester maddox was a crippling moment for jimmy carter's political career. this is what is sometimes referred to as the born as the born-again period. he went to a period of despair. he recovered and immediately begin running for governor once more. his biggest supporter interestingly enough was an iranian jewish name david rav mum mom which is a wealthy businessman from savannah. he was also a pilot. he would fly carter around the state for his speeches and they were in the plane so much that jimmy learned how to fly this little cessna while raven took cat naps. at one point as they were flying raven is napping and the engine died. carter nudged him and said david wake up. what's wrong? we