t if the's t, then wou be mucharder toarvest seal r our suistence y of lestyle, peciallyor the al oil tt we heily depe onand it's parof our eryday lis. thearmer teeraturesould affect r way ofife out re. andf we di't geto come t ere and any of is with piing berrs or anyf that, it uld be hd on ouramily, andot only family,ut all the milies ithe commity as wl, becau about 9 or so of r dietear-rounis from thtundra othe ocea and it ll be hd economally. ye, we're real depende on allhis foothat we t, and i'm very tnkful foit. [laughi] >> i think that more and more of the public understands the truth about climate change, and that if we do not deal with this problem, it will be far worse. >> one thing that we want to also ask is not just what climate change costs, but what fossil fuel dependency costs us. >> there are many ways to cover the costs associated with extreme weather. some things we need federal funding for, and, yes, that comes from the taxpayers, and there only is so much money to go around. we understand that. but there a creative solutions, too. >> better land use planning, bett