they were the only one left in kara tepe in lesvos. everyone else had moved out. irc had built a city literally with gender-based violence, tents, you know, to take care of women who've experienced gender-based violence of women's issues, of children's family, tents, showers, medical tents, et cetera. to move 5,000, 8,000 people a day that were coming across in these dinghies that had room for 24 and 60 people were in them. at one point, i got my wish and a dinghy came up to the island. again, somebody handed me a little girl in a pink jacket and that's all i wanted was to help a child. and then i looked at her and i thought she had died. she wasn't breathing. i later found out that she had epilepsy, had an attack in the boat. she's squeezing my finger. that's good. we got her with the irc to get medical attention and reunited with her family and all is well for that family. but another family i met, they were left with their two boys, the alassy family, in a tent all alone. and i was fortunate enough i was able to give them the means to get to the ferry, to get t