>> let me beclear. that group of people are folks who have already been foreclosed upon. because this does not deal with sort of origination claims or the fact that the products themselves were unfair to begin with, that payment really is designed to compensate people who have been foreclosed upon for any failures on fairness in the foreclosure itself. not because it was a wrongful foreclosure but because of uncertainty or other costs. frankly, that amount of money, i know per consumer, a drop in the bucket. but this suit was never designed to address wrongful foreclosures per se. that is, the claims that come out of origination, the kinds of claims we brought in fremont or option one or the kinds of securitization claims. this was just o'for behavior by banks while they were in the process of foreclosuring. some people think it's not enough. that's always the case with a settlement. i think four people who possibility would have been foreclosed on anyway, some amount of relief was appropriate. this was decided upon by the committee and by the banks and it's not enough to