uh, let me h hp you with that, chief. according to chief o'brien the scan resolution on the new sensors is amazing. we could practically do the entire bio-survey from orbit. suits me-- the sooner we get how can you say y at? those little points of light out there-- the great unknown, beckoning to us. i wish i could visit every one. you might want to skip the ones with jem'hadar bases on them. is it my imagination or are the stars a little brighter in the gamma quadrant? is it my imagination or has julian lost his mind? setting course for the gavara system. i'm picking up some kind of emergency signal. it's fragmented. they say their homeworld's been attacked... massive destruction, heavy casualties. they're asking any passing vessel for assistance. looks like the signal's cocong from somewhere in the teplan system. that's just outside dominion space. well, let's hope the jem'hadar know t tt. what happeped here? h-help me. don't let me die here. take me totorevean. trevean? in hospital... i'll try to find out where it is. i