for phase one, let themmen, in, we have enough to cover them and have an opt out process for commercial as well. >> is the legislation that supervisor scott wiener and i are proposals is that somehow incorporated into this report or taken into consideration. >> those customers would not be cca customers. i know we talked about it earlier. i'm going to talk with the inter next focus to folks to see how that works together and if the legislation passed and the cosigners sign with the puc that way they would never be offered this service because it's already offered by puc and based on the discussion earlier i will sent that to inter next so they can incorporate that into report as well. >> lastly can you talk about the system around the rates and what that could potentially mean in terms of options in order to successfully implement the program? >> yes. i'm assuming you are talking about having a 50 percent renewable? that is a potential option that is available to the puc to do. they can follow marin or sonoma type model. what it comes down to is you need to make sure your energy generat