with humility, let us embrae our calling to be truly prophetic as ur servas of old by earnestly fulfilling you commands now and forever lord, bless the members of the people's houseoday andll day and may all that is done be f your greater honor and glory, amen. the speaker pro tempor the the last das proceedings l and announces to e house his pproval thereof. pursuant to clse 1 of le 1, the journal stan approved. the plge of allegiancwill be led byhe gentlewoman from california, mrs. walters. mrs. walters: pledge alliance to the lag of the united states of america anto the reblic for which it tands, o natior god, divible, with liy d stice for all. the speaker pro teore: the for one-minute speeches.uests mr. poe: i ask unaimous consent to address e house for one nute a to revise and extend my remar. the eaker pro mpore: out objtion the gentlem is recognized for one minut on which furtheproceedings were postponed mr. speaker president ama has sign an execute order to revive the cann keystone x.l. pipeline. if keystone does not go throh, it does not me they wilnot buy it fr them. canada gett.