. >> bergman: leticia zuniga worked for sms, cleaning a mall in a minneapolis suburb. her manager controlled her schedule and had the power to hire and fire. >> bergman: zuniga left sms without filing a complaint. several months later, she reported the incidents to the police and then filed a lawsuit against sms. when you became aware of the zuniga case... >> right. >> bergman: what was your reaction? >> my reaction was astonishment, i mean, i found it hard to believe and was so disappointed that a manager of ours could ever commit such acts against one of our employees. or on the other hand, that we could possibly have an employee that would make up a story about a manager like that committing such acts if he didn't do them. >> bergman: rape, she was talking about. >> right, she alleged that she had been, um, raped. what mattered to us was finding out the truth about what happened. >> bergman: so what did you do? how did you investigate? >> we did the best we could under the circumstances, but when we first learned of her situation, nearly 300 days had passed since th