but letisha irving would like to say something. >> if i could. she is right. in schools where there are high concentrations of african-american families, we do not see aapacs. but we're doing the black family partnership academy. that is bringing together school site staff where there are some schools with high concentration of african-american students, the parents, the teachers, the administrators for a year-long study. so they're coming with us, sitting with us on saturdays for 6-7 hours. we're having evening meetings. there is coaching. and be the change consultant agency and they're coming with us and we're sitting with these families. you have malcolm x, that's a part of it, dr. charles drew, that's part of that cohort. there is rooftop. carver. star team. who else is on there? there is a bunch. so this is an opportunity for us to look at it and study it and help and do coaching for those schools that see a lot of the students that face the same issues. >> so the engagement strategy is different, but would you say that the challenges are aligned? >> so c