. >> i have one question commissioner frost do they play irish leukemic music will you go. >> yes. (laughter) pursue do you guys are the soccer team. >> oh, okay. he got confused someone wanted to work security i said no thank but, yes be interested for the irish music. >> (laughter). all right. there is a motion and a second if no further discussion wall call the roll >> commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner thomas commissioner caminong commissioner perez and commissioner joseph congratulations good luck to you tell me 7 commissioners questions or comments anyone commissioner perez. >> i would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone for the annual filipino parade and festival at the yerba buena island it is going to be an august 13th and 14 with a parade on market street on saturday at the 11 and to the festival the yerba buena island so come down and have filipino food and entertainment. >> anyone else you reminded me the mariachi food fair cars show and parades for the dogs. >> you notice how he looked at me when he said that i wonder why. >> (laughter). satu