levana semenovich, please tell me, this question still cannot be asked, yes, of course, the investigation sorted out, there is a very, very big job ahead, we are talking about fog, we are talking about bad weather, a plane crash occurred. in the mountains, please tell me, what do you think, is it only the weather that is to blame here, or could there be some kind of criminal intent here? i ’m asking in the context of what, that is, not building a chain, but simply reasoning, the assassination attempt on robert fitz was recently, now the death of the president of iran, could there be any logic here, who could benefit from everything that happened, in your opinion. well, i understand the essence of your question, and you are far from the only one who conducts there is a certain connection between all these events, but it seems to me that we need to calmly wait for the results of the investigation, i have no doubt that an investigative team will probably be appointed that will conduct an investigation into the causes of the plane crash, the reasons why there are such unfavorable weather cond