. >> here >> commissioner jamdar >> here >> commissioner leveroni. >> here >> before the first item the san francisco public utility's commission acknowledges stewards of the unceded lands within the historic territory of the o tribe and other descendants of historic federal recognizes mission san jose alameda county. the puc recognizes that everybody citizen residing in the greater bay area has and continues to benefit from the use and occupation of the tribes lands. since before and after the puc found nothing 1932. it is vitalally important that we not only rescue nietz the history of the tribal upon lands which we reside. but that woot we acknowledge the fact the people have established a work partnership with the puc and productive and flourishing members went many greater san francisco pay area communities today. call the first item. >> 3 approval of the millions of december 10 issue 2024. are there yekzs or comment on the minutes? >> could you open public comment mrs. lennear. >> raise your hand if you wish to comment on item 3. moderator. are there callers with a hand raised? >>