scriptures, and remained inviolable until the 7th century, but in 730, the byzantine emperor levi the isaurian, succumbed to the influence of the retics, banned the veneration of icons. then the orthodox, especially the monks, began to fight for the right to depict jesus christ on icons. the persecution of the orthodox was no longer by pagans, but by other christians, falsely understood the orthodox faith. in 787, the seventh ecumenical council took place, which confirmed the correctness of the defenders of the holy icons, but for a long time the disputes did not subside, so only several decades later, under the pious empress theodora, iconoclasm began. was finally recognized as heresy. the establishment of orthodox doctrine was marked by a festive service in the st. sophia cathedral in constantinople, held on the first sunday of great lent in 843. then the holy icons were solemnly brought into the cathedral and the due death was performed for them. in honor of this event, it is still celebrated today. a service that was called the rite of the triumph of orthodoxy, that is, the correct praise