hello, dear alexander grigorievich, my name is levitsky artem, i am a cadet of the belarusian state academy aviation. there is a tradition in our country to give a name to each coming year. what do you think? what should we dedicate 2025 to, the year of quality, that is, we will have the second year in a row the year of quality, even a five-year plan, i am thinking about this now, this is the most important topic, why, frankly speaking, i am dissatisfied with either the media or the way we are going about this year of quality, it does not sound, firstly, and if it does not sound, then this country does not live. and this is the most important question, there is no more important question for belarus, because everything that we we produce, we live off of it, everything we produce is produced by the whole world, tractors are produced by the whole world, cars are produced by the whole world and no worse than us, agricultural machinery is also produced by the whole world, and other track fertilizers, oil products, oil refineries, all this is done by the whole world, and how can we live then, we