go to go to the website of levon pap and tonio we're going to have these documents posted on that website and i invite monsanto to go read them again before you send your troll before they send their trolls out to say this stuff just isn't true wow i had a scientist and she was not a biological sciences person i think she was a mathematician or maybe engineer but she had done the epidemiology and came to the conclusion and is very controversial that monsanto i mean according to. life to say that it doesn't disrupt the metabolic processes of animals it does it plants and although it may cause cancer to animals this kind of a different thing but but it but it disrupts bacteria as well as plants and she was positing that it's just straw and it's just dropped in the bacteria in the gut and particularly in mom's gut when she's pregnant which might then dysregulation. the body in a way that can even produce autism did you come across any evidence of any of that sort of thing. oh yeah absolutely the short list is also in the short list in connection to this to say are the possibilities of alzhei