. >> sadly, we lost lewis brown, the information minister. but we got what we needed. in sierra leone, radical steps have been taken. people have been ordered to stay indoors for 72 hours, starting on friday. and meanwhile, burial teams are working for as little as $100 a month to dispose of victim's bodies. joining us from eastern sierra leone. >> a burial team is being called to an isolated village. a 16-year-old boy here has died. he was never tested but there are fears that he had ebola. if so, he's the first to die in the village. and people are afraid. chlorine is afraid to disinfect the house, and inside, the boy's body is wrapped up and sealed. >> so when the family, [ unintelligible ]. >> traditionally, close family members wash and dress the body. but those who died of ebola are specially contagious, and the burial practices are blamed for the spread of the disease. >> we can build treatment centers forever, and it's still not enough. it will be continually passed from person to person, so we have to do more than just treatment. we have to stop the transmissi