shouldn't had had the rights to poe's works signed over the rights to poe's literary executor lewis griswold. but the two women battled over the trunk and poe's possessions that were contained within it. and it was only recently discovered in one of poe's letters that had been in a private collection in italy that the reason poe left his trunk at the swan tavern was that he hadn't paid his hotel bill and he said they wouldn't give him back his luggage until he paid the remainder of the money. so that does explain why his trunk was still here and why his sister eventually got a hold of it. after her death, she passed it down to her foster niece who sold it to the museum back in 1923 for $35. and now it's one of the prizes of our collection. well, this ar addresses another one of the scandals about poe. who is buried under poe's monument? for years people have questioned did edgar allen poe get buried under the monument or did they put the wrong person down there? and a lot of the confusion stems from the fact that poe was originally buried in an unmarked grave. and it was 26 years after his d