they were all interviewed except for lewis marx and he was envious. he wanted to be interviewed. but remember -- the people i'm talking to don't know. the fbi knew who put out the pentagon papers because they had owned it since early 1970. they had been told by my -- now, this is my former wife's mother-in-law, her father's wife -- not her mother. second wife. the stepmother had told -- i think i've got the wrong relationship here. mother-in-law. >> no it's your mother-in-law. >> stepmother-in-law. >> i'm very bad on the relations. her stepmother, correct? her father's second wife is her stepmother. >> yes. >> i do this all the time with relatives. okay. she had become quite conservative in her older age and went right to the fbi having been told by my former wife that i had copied the pentagon papers. so the fbi knew this from '69 or early '70 and they interviewed rand. do you know about this? >> no, i do not know. >> i think this is something that i had to cut out of the book just for space. i had a whole chapter on it. the fbi came to rand in april of '70, having already tried