maybe if he is absolutely african start, sorry to interrupt, but the fact that morales lewis are k dot b r a divergence right now is that's a significant going forward in this to attempt that you know, all of the, all of the, uh, the forces. the socialists forces aren't together well, i believe that this will unite them. everyone else has called for mobilization. and in any case, the real enemy, in this case, these the right wing is the author rates are in the military. i would assume that because of these that will actually unite forces even more they do come from the same party. they do come from the same movement, yet they have been divided on some issues on really details about what has to be done. and then when what is being a little more aggressive in this case, maybe if it was empower or more of his details, more of his advice would have been taken into account. this would not have happened . these only shows that governments enlighten america, especially last week, governments are working for the people need to strongly hold power and that, that way this won't happen again. okay, w