for tuesdayyfor former ravens running back jamal lewis is rescheduled.the delay is related to lewis subbitting required financial records and meetinn with court officials. lewiss.. who retired from the n-ffl in 2009 after ten bankruptcy in april... claiming 14-point-four million dollars in assets and ten-and-a-half million dollars in debt. a bill sponsored by maryland senator barbara mikulski... designed to hell even thh pass the senate. senate.all republican senators voted against the "paycheck fairness act".they say the protections are already in place and it would mean mooe government involvement in the prrvate sector. seeator mikulski vows to keep fighting for women. we've got a long way to go. i mean this is 2012 and you'd think at times it's 1812. but revolution. ann we'lllfight in the bill needed 60 votes... it only got 52. women earn about earned by men... that's according to the u-s census bureau. construction begins on a new school in north baltimore... that's been years in the making. making."2..1... wohhoo" wohoo." on tuesday... there was a ceremonial ground breaking for the new wa