. >> lewis teekiel, parliamentarin of the cac on special education. as i have watched you guys go around this topic, it clearly states what is to be done by the iap team. that team is supposed troops -- supposed to survive. in the audit it says placement equals the school site location where the child is placed. it seems to me you guys have made some -- could have made things so much easier if you did the placement in the iap process, and have fuan iap meeting before you go to the inclusion process for the rest of the kids. you know exactly who is where. you do not have to worry about holding seats back. everybody who has an iap gets what they are supposed to be getting under the law. i agree with katie that it is very wonderful to have something being done instead of another year where we are talking about "that is really great but we will be looking at that next year." so thank you for actually getting things done. >> my name is shirley forest. i am also a cac member. my doctor started in inclusion at west portal 15 years ago -- my daughter started